The Power of Green Alliances

Attended an ASAP Green breakfast this morning and it was certainly eye opening even if the coffee arrived late. Hal LaFlash, Dir Emerging Clean Technology Policyfrom PG&E -that's Pacific Gas and Electric for the non-Californians - spoke on the many alliances that PG&E has been cultivating in the interest of providing sustainable energy. While one [...]

By |2018-07-27T18:52:04+00:00May 20, 2009|

The ROI of Loyalty (Part II)

Part I discussed how demographic segmentation allowedtargeting programs, benefits, and attention to engender greater loyalty and business through their developers. Part II addresseshow segmentation by 'Loyalty' itself helps to identify andto address specific concerns of developers. While net promoter score seems to be the popularrage, we used the Apostle model to segment loyalty. The Apostle [...]

By |2018-07-27T18:52:05+00:00May 11, 2009|

The ROI of Loyalty (Part I)

I was approached by a client some weeks ago to present at conference some work we did on Developer Loyalty. Now there are a lot satisfaction type surveys out there, but my client presented a very specific challenge. She was new in the role as the Director of the Developer Community and needed to understand [...]

By |2018-07-27T18:52:05+00:00April 28, 2009|

Strategic Alliance Bookshelf

Have you read a book in the past year that made an impact on you and how you manage alliances and partnerships? Could even be one you've written!! Here are some that I read this past year which I found had relevance to the field of alliance management. NOT listed in any order other than [...]

By |2018-07-27T18:52:05+00:00January 5, 2009|

Alliances in the News

Plans for Strategic Alliances on the Rise Nearly one-third of consumer products companies plan to forge new strategic alliances in the upcoming 12 months (30 percent), up 8 points from the second quarter of 2008 according to Pricewaterhouse Coopers NEW YORK, Dec 4, 2008 GlobeNewswire Chrysler Presents Reorganization Plan to Congress "To further enhance its [...]

By |2018-07-27T18:52:05+00:00December 7, 2008|

Strategic Alliances – More now than ever

Strategic alliances are often viewed as a strategy for growth and perhaps not always a strategy for economically challenging times. But many of the reasons that make strategic alliances a good idea in good times make them an even better strategy for uncertain times. What are these reasons to partner? Create greater value for customers. [...]

By |2018-09-14T17:32:27+00:00October 13, 2008|

Driving Growth through Win-Win Alliances

What do you think of, when you think win-win? Most business people will interpret that as "I win and my partner wins". Unfortunately quite a number will behave differently: "win-win means I win twice!" This, as you can imagine, does not produce sustainable partnerships. Smart business people will not stick with a losing proposition and [...]

By |2018-09-14T18:06:51+00:00June 1, 2008|

Coopetition – Sleeping with the Enemy

The April meeting of the Silicon Valley/Norcal Chapter of the Association of Strategic Alliance Professionals featured a panel discussion on Coopetition. It turns out to be as hard to pronounce as it is to do. The panel often struggled with every verb and noun form of it: Coopetive, co-opeting. It might have been humorous, but [...]

By |2018-07-27T18:52:05+00:00April 25, 2008|

Collaborative Innovation: Leveraging Partnerships

"Collaborative Innovation: Leveraging Strategic Partnerships for the Global Playing Field" Sunday, March 30, 2008 BlogTalkRadio: 6:00 p.m. Pacific/9:00 p.m. Collaborative innovation is rapidly becoming a key differentiator for organizations. But as enterprises rush to take advantage of global opportunities without effectively playing the strategic alliances card the risk of stifling innovation increases. Join Dee McCrorey, host [...]

By |2018-07-27T18:52:05+00:00March 28, 2008|

Strategic Alliance Secret #4 Success Begins at the Top

A successful alliance program begins at the top with the support of the CEO. Like many other things, the CEO influences company culture, models the behavior, and sets the priorities in collaborative relationships. CEO support and that of the CXO staff fosters the environment where alliances can thrive and deliver results. When you look at [...]

By |2018-09-14T18:10:46+00:00February 20, 2008|